Anabolic steroids effects on athletic performance
In reality, the anabolic steroids used for bodybuilding purposes are the same anabolic steroids used for the purpose of performance enhancement in other athletic sporting activities. In fact, I can't think of an athletic activity which would benefit from a steroid more than weightlifting, why are steroids banned in sports. Weightlifting has an anabolic effect on muscle mass at the cellular level and is one of the most significant exercises ever designed as it affects the structure and functions of the muscle. For every one gram of testosterone or olanzapine you use to grow a pound and a half of fat, you save one pound of muscle, why steroids should be allowed in sports. I will not attempt to defend the claim that weightlifter's use steroids since no scientific research supports this claim, anabolic steroids effects on athletic performance. But for the purposes of this article, I will argue that an athletic event called weightlifting, a sport whose only purpose is improving the performance of the athlete, is an effective use of testosterone since it helps the individual improve the performance of the muscle he uses to lift weight.
Why do athletes take performance-enhancing drugs
The abuse of anabolic steroids and performance-enhancing drugs has become a national concern and is not limited to body builders and professional athletes anymore. In fact, there seems to be a rise in cases over the last few years involving professional wrestlers and MMA fighters. It is also common knowledge that steroids are often prescribed to bodybuilders, and many believe that those who have used these drugs for years are being pressured or even coerced into making the choice to use PEDs, drugs why athletes take do performance-enhancing. Many fighters are facing serious and potentially life-changing medical conditions and have been prescribed steroids to help them continue in wrestling.
The current trend in the U.S. is to use a steroid called nandrolone decanoate, which is similar to the synthetic testosterone that many MMA fighters are taking and is also banned in the U.S. The FDA issued a brief warning in November of 2012, stating that this was a powerful testosterone-like substance that has recently reached the level of "considerably elevated risk" and should not be given to people with significant medical conditions.
Some of the athletes who have been using these steroids have been hospitalized with serious injuries and have faced criminal charges due to the use of PEDs. Many wrestlers and bodybuilders use nandrolone decanoate in an attempt to boost their steroid levels so that when they do get injured, they'll be able to continue on a winning streak, why do athletes take performance-enhancing drugs. The FDA's recent warning prompted some athletes and WWE wrestlers to question exactly what they are getting into and why they are using steroids in the first place.
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