Daily Inspiration
Sunday - Relax, Meditate. God made man to be somebody, not just to have things. Faith is not an assignment we sign up for, it is a blessing we are given.
Monday - Put yourself on your priority list. Things will change for the better. Positive Thinking
Tuesday - Find your own feel-good thoughts and spend time with each one. Today Is the Day You Change Your Life
Wednesday - Whatever your thoughts on today are give it all you got, be the best you can be, don't waste this day, perseverance and faith.
Thursday - You are not here by accident. You are here to learn lessons and accomplish great things.
Friday - Life is full of blessings we take for granted. Life is but a moment. Love those moments each one of them.
Saturday - Value yourself - Treat yourself with kindness. Loving ourselves allows us to show up in the world so we can love others, uplift others, and make the world a more loving place.
This life is yours to create - make it a fabulous adventure!